
Showing posts from September, 2023
I was driving around the other day, and I found this building advertising their hybridity, Mexican & Californian. After talking about hybridity, I can't stop seeing it around in my everyday life. I find it interesting that once you start learning about something, it is very easy to start observing it every day. Where have you all seen hybridity in your everyday life? 

Seeing Race

Here is a link to a short YouTube video of an art exhibit where you turn on and off a light. As you switch the light off, everyone in the room appears to be in a black-and-white movie. This was a cool way to show that people could stop seeing race and instead realize that we are all human.


 "Seven out of ten people in the world today live in countries where inequality has increased over the past three decades" (Lagarde, 2014, n.p.)  This is a crazy statistic!!! Why do you think it has increased in the last three decades? The reading says it's because people's security is being threatened globally. (World Economic Forum, 2013, p.12a)  Recourses From the intersectionality reading:       Lagarde, C. (2014). A New Multilateralism for the 21st Century: the Richard Dimbleby Lecture. International Monetary Fund         Lecture, Feb. 3rd, 2014. Available from np/speeches/2014/020314.htm       World Economic Forum. (2013). Outlook on the Global Agenda 2014. World Economic Forum. 

Privilege vs oppression (or can you have both?)

In the reading Intersectionality,  the author says people can experience privilege and oppression simultaneously. An example of this that came to my mind was being a white woman. She will have more privilege over other races but is still oppressed because she is not a man. What do you guys think about this idea? Can people have both in their lives? 


  I really liked this imagery of intersectionality from the reading and it helped me visually understand how it works.  

Female Gender?

   I identify as a female in this gender-contracted world. I have grown up with the perceived notion that Gender is a scientific idea that has been proven over and over again. However, there is no data or science to prove this, showing that Gender is a Social construction. And this is very evident in the way I grew up.  I grew up in a wealthier neighborhood in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and went to one of the private schools. Here, the school advertised itself as an open place for children to flourish with their identities and gain a preparatory college education. But they cannot promote the truth that being a female at this school affected how teachers, coaches, and classmates perceived us. Due to a wide range of demographics at the school, the females were mainly scripted as weak, emotional, dumb but still having to be intelligent, athletic but not as good as the guys' teams, and an object.  Our school dress code made this male/female Gender distinction very clear. At school, on

"Night to His Day"

 In  The Social Construction of Gender  by Judith Lorber, one part that stood out to me is the idea of "Doing Gender."  This idea that we are "Doing Gender" is a funny saying to something that I have found my subconscious doing regularly. After reading this passage, I noticed myself trying to categorize people. I am not sure if I do it because I am trying to make myself feel like I fit in or if the notion on gender categorisation is so engraved into my subconscious because of how I grew up. Do you think there is a way  to change our subconscious thoughts? What if these subconscious thoughts cannot change/ do they need to be changed?